General sponsor -

Rocket Space Corporation ENERGIA named after S.P.
Korolev (Korolev, Moscow region) - is the key Russian agency in the field of
designing, construction, and operation of manned spacecraft. RSC-E President is Yuri
Pavlovich Semenov, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The corporation is famous for launching the first artificial satellite of the Earth with
the booster which were essentially devised with combined forces of high-graded
engineers. All the space vehicles that carried to space national and international crews
were designed and manufactured by this corporation. It gave birth to the family of the
SALYUT orbital stations, multi-module space station MIR, the largest rocket
ENERGIA, orbiter BURAN. RSC-E renders gratis some services to the Program
including delivery of the model to the space station and its ensuing insertion into
orbit. Armed with a unique experience of space operations, personnel of the
corporation consults the design work, and assembly and testing of the model.
Technical sponsor -

State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation Institute
for Biomedical Problems (Moscow) – is the leading Russian institution in the area of
investigation and support of human in different kinds of extreme environments
starting from deep-water immersion and finishing by missions to space. Director is
Anatoly Ivanovich Grigoriev, active member of RAS and RAMS. The system of
biomedical support and countermeasures against the adverse spaceflight factors
proved their advantages in long-term missions including the record (438-day) one by
cosmonaut-physician V.V. Polyakov who is affiliated to IBMP. The system may lay
the basis for future super-long, i.e. interplanetary, missions. IBMP personnel took up
gratis the logistic and assistant support of the Program, and information of the public.
Program sponsors
- Incombank (President V.V. Vinogradov) - the first commercial bank of the
country with the highest rating

- CJSA transport company "Lukoil-Trans" (General director M.M. Smoliaev)
- one of the biggest transport companies of the Russian Federation capable to deliver
any freight by any transport means to any point in the world.

- Russian/US JE "Sovintel" (General director A.Ya. Vinogradov) - global
telecommunication lines and hardware
- East-European Financial Company (General director S.I. Bogatov) - raising
and allocation of Western investments in the Russian economy.
- Trade company "RADA" (General director D.V. Deev) - wholesale of
consumer goods
- JSA "TechInfo" (General director S.E. Bolotov) - development and
adoption of automated systems for controlling the Russian economy,
telecommunication services
- Company "Norton Kalting" (President Makis Metaksas) -
advertising/informational services all over the world
- Ministry of Communication of France.