Participants in the Programme

the oldest of the international organisations that are currently in force

Rotary International -
the world largest non-governmental public organization uniting the best representatives of various fields of science, culture, politics, business, and education.

Federation of Cosmonautics of Russia (FCR)
is a public organization the major goal of which is to stimulate and pique the interest in space research through wide dissemination of information about advancement in space exploration, documenting and promoting the records established with the Russian spacecraft, and giving incentive to the teams and individuals who take an active part in the area of space exploration. President of the FCR is pilot-cosmonaut Nikolay Nikolaevich Rukavishnikov who has had the title of Hero of the Soviet Union conferred on him twice. National Commissar on space missions is Victor Alexandrovich Kurilov. FCR Head-quarters is located in Moscow.

Center of Pupils' Technical Work in the town of Nalchik
(the capital of the republic of Kabardino-Balkaria)
is one of many local Russian youth public organizations the aim of which is to encourage young enthusiasts of space exploration to more profoundly and intensively study the history of cosmonautics and space engineering. In 1993, on the initiative of CPTW and with the support of FCR, a 1:100 scale model of the rocket to design of K.E. Tsiolkivskiy was sent to space within the framework of the first youth space program. With participation of RSC Energia named after S.P. Korolev as a general sponsor, the model was put into near-Earth orbit by MIR flight commander V. Tsibliev and flight engineer A. Serebrov on October 29, 1993.

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