The 3-d Summer International School Moscow, Russia | |
of Basic Medicine M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University |
State Research
Centre Institute for Biomedical Problems |
Contemporary Educational Programmes | |
For all questions concerning the School, please, contact: |
The Faculty of Medicine of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, The Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Contemporary Educational Programmes present jointly developed academic program "Space Biology and Medicine". The course considers the problems of vital functions of a person in space. This is the first time when the basics of this subject have been introduced for senior students of medical colleges and graduates. The course is also of interest for wide range of biologists and medical doctors. It is based on the unique observations obtained during 40 years of development of Soviet and Russian space programs. Practical training is conducted at the base of State Scientific Centre of Russian Federation - the Institute for Biomedical Problems. The practical part of the course includes demonstration of medical supplies found on board spaceships such as "Vostok", "Voshod", "Souz" and space stations "Salut" and "Mir". During lectures and workshops students have the opportunity to compare basic biomedical results obtained in the course of Russian and American space projects. A considerable part of the course is devoted to new technology research, which are under way at the Russian segment of the International space station. All classes are delivered in English. The program is designed for two weeks, 40 academic hours of lectures and training in class, supplemented by 16 hours of extra class visits. More details you may find at: Attention! The School is limited by 30 participants. To avoid misunderstandings, please, inform us about your willings to participate as soon as possible. |