Moscow Aviation Institute
and Institute for Biomedical Problems - cooperation and education of
students and post-graduates
Argunova A. M., Vasin Y. A, Kapustina H. A., Novikov D. B, Issaeva
K. P.
biomedical problems, life support systems, space technologies.
Throughout more than 70-year history of Moscow Aviation Institute existance
it has prepared a great number of experts in the field of aerospace
-- Institute for Biomedical Problems is the largest center dealing with
development of new methods of space investigations;
-- IBMP has a good educational basis for professional preparation of
young experts - students and post-graduates in the field "Engineering
in medico-biological practice". The leading IBMP experts read lections
and conduct practical seminars for students and post-graduates. While
learning, students of MAI complete the special courses om experimental
bases and test-beds of IBMP (figure 1,2).
-- The profound and applied scientific investigations, design and technological
works on biology and medicine are conducted in IBMP. Besides, the developed
equipment, instrumentation and technologies are implmented in national
enterprise and health care, in astronautical, hyperbaricial and ecological
-- The students of MAI took part in presentation and conducting of many
experiments, among which there is international experiment on long-time
isolation (experiment "SFINCSS'99") (Figure 3).
-- Within the experiment "SFINCSS'99" numerous investigations
were conducted, among which are:
the experiments on the psycological adaptation in simulated and space
experiments, wiyhin which the important data on international team
forming were obtained, the conclusions about the necessity of psycological
compatibility of International Space Station crew;
-- medical control of biochemical parameters of human's biological
fluids to determine the activity of diagnostically significant human's
blood and urine parameters under the influence of long-time isolation
factors. The given experience was used for methodical processing of
biochemical investigations at International Space Station;
-- electrophysiological investigations of cardio-vascular system with
the help of "network tools" methods, where the basic parameters
like: heart rate, QRST complexes morphology, P, Q, R, S, T amplitude
and duration as well as segments deviations and orientation of vectors
in frontal flat (Figure 4).
-- The main field of the activity is the sientific grounding and practical
development of means and methods of urgent medical and psycological
aid at different stages of space flight and during the early period
of readaptation.