The 4-d Summer International School

Moscow, Russia
June 21 - July 4, 2004

FBM MSU Faculty of Basic Medicine
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

IBMP State Research Centre
Institute for Biomedical Problems
Contemporary Educational Programmes Contemporary Educational Programmes

For all questions concerning the School, please, contact:
Dr Mikhail A. Grafov, PhD, Director,
Contemporary Educational Programmes, Moscow, Russia
Tel. +7(095)9560094, Fax +7(095)9567864,

Dear Colleagues,
I would like to inform your staff and students about International Summer School "SPACE BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE" to be held in Moscow, Russia during June 21 - July 4, 2004.

The school is a joint project of Faculty of Basic Medicine of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and our company (national educational agency). The School will take place for a fourth time to overview the main stages of Soviet/Russian cosmonautics. The main topics concern history of cosmonautics, results of the national space programs, biomedical research projects, and cosmonauts' safety-dependent engineering problems. The practical part of the course includes a demonstration of medical supplies found onboard spaceships such as "Vostok", "Voshod", "Soyuz" and the space stations "Saljut" and "Mir".

  • The School is designed for both students and specialists in biomedicine, natural sciences, engineering, and the related fields.
  • The program includes lectures of the leading Russian specialists, meetings with cosmonauts, visiting museums and national centers (Space museum, Mission Control Center, Center of Cosmonauts Training), and the picturesque list of tours.
  • The School also is a good chance to get friends and meet colleagues worldwide. You will have an opportunity to exchange experience and create new ideas.
All classes are delivered in English.

More details about the School are available at

Thank you in advance. With best wishes,
Mikhail Grafov, a member of the Organising Committee

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