Moscow Medical University, Russia |
Biochem. M.D. |
1970- 1976 |
Biochemistry |
PhD student, Institute of Biomedical Problems, Ministry of Health, Russia |
Ph.D. |
1976- 1979 |
Space Biomedicine,
Biochemistry |
Postdoctoral fellowship, Institute of Biomedical Problems, Ministry of Health, Russia |
Doctor of Science |
1989- 1998 |
Space Biomedicine,
Cell and Molecular Biol. |
1979 -1993 Postdoctoral Fellow and Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Barophysiology, Institute of Biomedical Problems, Moscow, USSR.
1993 -1995 Research Group Leader, Dept. Barophysiology, Institute of Biomedical Problems, Moscow, Russia.
1995 -1997 Program Director, contract RSA-NASA “Space Biomedical Problem”, Institute of Biomedical Problems, Moscow, Russia.
1998 – 2015 Scientific Secretary of the Institute, Head of Cell Physiology Deparmnet, Program Leader, Institute of Biomedical Problems, Moscow, Russia.
2015 - till now Deputy Director, Head of Cell Physiology Deparmnet Institute of Biomedical Problems, Moscow, Russia.
1995 – 2000 Associate Professor, Space Biomedical Center for Training and Research, Moscow, Russia
From 2001 till now Full Professor, Faculty of Basic Medicine, Moscow State University, Russia
EXPERIENCE AND RESEARCH: Principal Investigator of Programs and Projects supported by Russian Academy of Sciences in Life Sciences – Correspondent Member of Russian Academy of Sciences in Physiology -
Principal Investigator of space experiments on board of ISS - Principal Investigator of the 10 projects by Russian Foundation of Basic Research - Principal Investigator of the projects by Russian Ministry of Science and Education -
Coordinator and Chairman of the International Summer School “Space Biology and Medicine - Scientific Advisor of the FlUOR project for the ISS – Mentor of 15 PhD Students.
ADVISOR / COMMITTEE / SOCIETY MEMBERSHIPS: Academician, International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) - Member of Russian Space Research Council, Elected Member of State Advisory Commitee «Aerospace and Underwater Medicine», Member of International Committee for High Pressure Biology - Member of Russian Academy of Cosmonautics – Advisory Council Member (Biomedicine) in Russian Ministry of Science and Education, Russian Physiology Society – Russia Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology – Russian Society for Biotechnology.
Editorial Board Member of ‘Human Physiology”, “Aerospace and Ecology Medicine”, “Technologies of Life Systems”, “Cell Technologies in Biology and Medicine”.
HONORS: Award of Greek Aerospace Council 1997, Award of Russian Academy of Sciences 2003, Awards of Russian Academy Cosmonautics Council 2003, 2013, Highest Scientific Award of the Russian Government 2004, Gagarin’s Medal,
2013, Award of Russian Academy of Sciences and Pleiades Publishing Inc for Best Publication in Life Sciences 2013, Roscosmos Award “For International Cooperation” 2014.
BOOKS – 2, BOOK CHAPTERS – 5, PATENTS – 10, PAPERS - more than 200
Andreeva E., Matveeva D., Zhidkova O., Zhivodernikov I., Kotov O., Buravkova L. Real and simulated microgravity: Focus on mammalian extracellular matrix. // LIFE, 2022, 12, 1343. https://doi.org/10.3390/life12091343
Tyrina E.A., Andreeva E.R., Buravkova L.B. Simulated microgravity affects stroma-dependent ex vivo myelopoiesis. // Tissue and Cell. 2022. 80. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tice.2022.101987
Buravkova L.B., Ezdakova M.I., Andrianova I.V., Gornostaeva A.N., Bobyleva P.I., Andreeva E.R. Ñord blood hematopoietic stem cells ex vivo enhance the bipotential commitment of adipose mesenchymal stromal progenitors. // Life Sci. 2021; 268:118970. doi.org/ 10.1016/j.lfs.2020.118970
Zhivodernikov I., Ratushnyy A., Buravkova L. Simulated microgravity remodels extracellular matrix of osteocommitted mesenchymal stromal cells. // International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, 22(11), 5428. doi.org/10.3390/ijms22115428
Buravkova L., Larina I., Andreeva E., Grigoriev A. Microgravity Effects on the Matrisome. // Cells. 2021; 10(9):2226, doi.org/10.3390/cells10092226
Gornostaeva A.N., Bobyleva P.I., Andreeva E.R., Yakubets D.A., Buravkova L.B. Adipose-derived stromal cell immunosuppression of T cells is enhanced under "physiological" hypoxia. // Tissue and Cell. 2020, Ò.63, 101320, 10.1016/j.ejcb.2020.151069
Ratushnyy A., Ezdakova M., Buravkova L. Secretome of senescent adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells negatively regulates angiogenesis. // International Journal of Molecular Sciences.2020, Ò.21, ¹5, 1802 (1-16), 10.3390/ijms21051802
Ratushnyy A.Y., Rudimova Y.V., Buravkova L.B. Replicative Senescence and Expression of Autophagy Genes in Mesenchymal Stromal Cells. // Biochemistry (Moscow). 2020, Ò.85, ¹10, Ñ.1169-1177, 10.1134/S0006297920100053.
Kashirina D.N., Kononikhin A.S., Ratushnyy A.Yu., Nikolaev E.N., Larina I.M., Buravkova L.B. Proteomic profile of cultured human endothelial cells after exposition to simulated microgravity. // Acta astronautica. 2020, v.179, p.11-19.
Andreeva E., Andrianova I., Bobyleva P., Gornostaeva A., Ezdakova M., Golikova E., Buravkova L. Adipose tissue-derived stromal cells retain immunosuppressive and angiogenic activity after coculture with cord blood hematopoietic precursors. // European Journal of Cell Biology. 2020, Ò.99, 151069 (1-8), doi: 10.1016/j.ejcb.2020.151069
Parfenov V.A., Khesuani Y.D., Petrov S.V., Karalkin P.A., Koudan E.V., Nezhurina E.K., Pereira F.D., Krokhmal A.A., Gryadunova A.A., Bulanova E.A., Vakhrushev I.V., Babichenko I.I., Kasyanov V., Petrov O.F., Vasiliev M.M., Brakke K., Belousov S.I., Grigoriev T.E., Osidak E.O., Rossiyskaya E.I.,
Buravkova L.B., Kononenko O.D., Demirci U., Mironov V.A. Magnetic levitational bioassembly of 3D tissue construct in space. // Science Advances. 2020, Ò.15, ¹6, eaba4174 (1-12), doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aba4174
Ratushnyy AY, Rudimova YV, Buravkova LB. Alteration of hypoxia-associated gene expression in replicatively senescent mesenchymal stromal cells under physiological oxygen level. // Biochemistry (Mosc). 2019; 84(3):263-271.
Andreeva E., Andrianova I, Sotnezova E., Gornostaeva A., Khorkova S.,
Buravkova L. Hematopoiesis-supportive function of growth-arrested human adipose-tissue stromal cells under “physiological” hypoxia. J Biosci Bioeng. 2019; 127(5):647-654. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2018.10.017
Udartseva Î.Î., Zhidkova Î.V., Maria I. Ezdakova M.I., Irina V. Ogneva I.V. Andreeva E.R.,
Buravkova L.B., Gollnick S.O. Low-dose photodynamic therapy promotes angiogenic potential and increases immunogenicity of human mesenchymal stromal cells. // J. Photochem. Photobiol. B. 2019;199:111596. doi: 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2019.111596.
Bobyleva P., Gornostaeva A., Andreeva E., Ezdakova M., Gogiya B.,
Buravkova L. Reciprocal modulation of cell functions upon direct interaction of adipose mesenchymal stromal and activated immune cells. // Cell Biochem Funct. 2019; 37(4):228-238. doi10.1002/cbf.3388
Ratushnyy A, Yakubets D, Andreeva E, Buravkova L. Simulated microgravity modulates the mesenchymal stromal cell response to inflammatory stimulation. // Scientific reports. 2019. 26; 9(1):9279. doi 10.1038/s41598-019-45741-8.
Andreeva ER, Udartseva OO, Zhidkova OV, Buravkov SV, Ezdakova MI,
Buravkova LB. IFN-gamma priming of adipose-derived stromal cells at "physiological" hypoxia. // J. Cell Physiol. 2018; 233(2):1535-1547.
Buravkova LB, Rudimov EG, Andreeva ER, Grigoriev AI. The ICAM-1 expression level determines the susceptibility of human endothelial cells to simulated microgravity. // J. Cell Biochem. 2018;119(3):2875-2885.
Ratushnyy A, Ezdakova M, Yakubets D, Buravkova L. Angiogenic activity of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells under simulated microgravity. // Stem Cells Dev. 2018. 15; 27 (12): 831-837.
Andreeva E.R., Adrianova I.V., Gornostaeva A.N., Gogiya B.Sh.,
Buravkova L.B. Evaluation of committed and primitive cord blood progenitors after expansion on adipose stromal cells. // Cell and Tissue Research. 2018; 372(3):523-533.
Zhidkova OV, Andreeva ER, Buravkova LB. Expression of adhesion molecules in activated endothelium after interaction with mesenchymal stromal cells. // Bull Exp Biol Med. 2018; 164(4):453-455.
Markina E.A., Kokhan V.S., Roe M.P., Andrianova I.V., Shtemberg A.S.,
Buravkova L.B. The effect of radiation and hindlimb unloading on rat bone marrow progenitor cells. // Cell and Tissue Biology 2018.V.12, No.3, p. 183-196.
Markina E, Andreeva E, Andrianova I, Sotnezova E, Buravkova L. Stromal and hematopoietic progenitors from C57/BI/6N murine bone marrow After 30-Day "BION-M1" Spaceflight. // Stem Cells and Development 2018. V. 27, No. 18, p. 1268-1277.
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